Fat Freezing

How does fat freezing work?

This cosmetic treatment is based on a technique called cryolipolysis, where the fat cells are destroyed by cooling them to very low temperatures
Stubborn fatty areas which are difficult to get rid of through diet and exercise are the target
They tend to be areas such as thighs, arms, abdomen and back
The cooling plates are placed in the desired areas and the process begins you just sit back and relax. The cells in these areas become damaged and over the following weeks your body will absorb the cells and the fat will leave your body through your lymphatic system. Drinking plenty of water is essential for your results

Treatment time is 45 minutes and you can return to your usual activities straight away.

Our machine also has EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) this means that during the fat freezing process you will also get a muscle work out, so not only does it reduced fat it also gains muscle. Ideal for those wanting abs, win win!

The treatment can also be provided without EMS if you prefer or just as EMS treatment if you do not wish to remove fat

Benefits of fat freezing

Non-surgical, no incision or needles involved

Low risk procedure, there is no risk of infection

Treatment can be performed within the hour

More than one area can be treated at once

You can resume your usual activities straight away

Fat cells that have been damaged are permanently removed from the body

please note clients may need more than one session to achieve desired results

People NOT suitable for fat freezing are those that are pregnant or Breastfeeding, people who are obese, have neurological problems or orthopedic problems