Botox Bum Lift

Botox is best known for smoothing wrinkles on the face but it can be used to give the bottom a gentle lift.

The muscle-relaxing toxin is injected below the buttocks to relax the “pull down” muscles and allow the “pull up” muscles to work more effectively.

You’ll notice a difference after a few weeks and results last six months. From £200 per treatment.


If you’d like to further reduce the small risk that you’ll bruise, we recommend that, if possible, you stop using medication that thins the blood such as Ibuprofen, aspirin for several days before treatment. Please consult your doctor before you stop taking any medication. Also, refrain from using fish oil and other supplements. You may want to take some (homoeopathic) Arnica. Start five days before treatment with the highest dose recommended on the packet.


We advise you not to exercise, use sun~beds, sauna or steam rooms and also do not swim for 48-hour post-treatment. This includes yoga. You should not massage the treated area. However, it is a good idea to regularly contract the muscle that has been treated. Do this by clenching your bottom


In nearly all cases the treated area will not display signs of treatment. In very rare cases some redness, swelling or bruising may occur.


This treatment cannot be offered to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.