Breast Filler

We use a hyaluronic acid filler specifically made for use in the body – breast fillers can help to enhance the size and shape of the breast and are suitable for all body types and genders in search of the desired curves.
Breast fillers are a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure so it is completely safe. We use a cannula so you won’t have multiple entry points, this is also the safest way to administer fillers. Clients will feel mild discomfort during the treatment and can go about their daily life immediately after.

Results are safe, natural, and instant from the first treatment. The overall effects will last up to 24 months depending on the individual’s skin type and factors such as age and lifestyle. You may need to have half the intended amount added first then return 2 weeks later for the remaining, depending on how big you wish to go. It is not recommended that clients have more than 100ml per session

At least 10 days before your appointment please make sure you have not been taking blood thinners, antibiotics or steroids of any kind. On the day of your appointment, it is fine to eat and drink as normal. It is also advised to take an Arnica supplement to help reduce bruising.

You will have photos taken, be marked up, and then numbed ready for treatment, you will be very comfortable and relaxed during the procedure. The whole appointment will take roughly one to two hours and the results are visible straight away!

The following few days you may experience pain and discomfort, also bruising at the entry point. You could possibly feel a warm ache-like sensation where the filler has been placed. At first, the filler will feel hard and lumpy to touch but don’t panic will soften as the days go on, please do not be tempted to massage the area – please take painkillers if needed, Do not take ibuprofen as it will hinder the healing process. It is also recommended that you do not sleep on your front until it feels comfortable to do so.

It would be best if you drink plenty of water when in recovery as the molecules in filler attract water and swell so essential for results.

Do NOT get wet for 48 hours post-treatment. Please be aware it is also advised not to go in the sun, on the sunbed, use a sauna or steam room, or go swimming for at least one-week post-treatment, please also avoid exercise and excess sweating. It is also recommended that you wear a sports bra for 48 hours post-treatment or until the filler settles – some possible side effects may include swelling, redness, mild pain. Which all should subside in a week or two.

Any client who is pregnant or breastfeeding is not suitable for this procedure.

Prices on request

This depends on the individual as everyone’s needs and body shapes are different.

We can give a free facetime consultation but you must book it by texting the clinic mobile – if you’d prefer a face-to-face consultation to discuss your needs then you can book the usual way and secure an appointment with a £25 deposit (deducted from treatment price)

Please note that fillers are not ordered for your appointment until a 10% deposit has been made, waiting times are around 3 to 4 weeks at busy times of the year.